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2013年5月20日 星期一



手捲煙絲有唔同的香味,一般比較受人歡迎既有 Vanilla,  Rose, Cherry 及熱帶果味。哩D煙絲煙味唔濃,雖然會有一D涸喉,不過都係比盒裝煙舒服好多。呼出來的二手煙會帶有香味,旁人都唔會話太反感。但係要注意煙絲比起盒裝煙焦油較多,焦油係致癌既主要因素,要選擇品質較好既 filter 阻隔一點焦油。


純煙可就咁抽,亦可以混合其他煙絲一齊食。本人認為 Mac Baren 的純煙主要為單抽,間中可加入其他去增加口感。Golden Virginia 就適合混合其他煙絲。



Captain Black has got to be one of the best mass-market distributed pipe tobaccos out there. If you like Cavendish tobaccos, then you must read on. I recently smoked 3 of the 5 versions and enjoyed them all immensely. I smoked Captain Black Regular (white package), Captain Black Gold (gold package) and Captain Black Royal (dark blue package). The other two versions that I didn’t smoke are Captain Black Light (light blue package) and Captain Black Cherry (red package). You usually find Captain Black at various chain stores that sell pipe tobacco such as CVS Drug Stores, Walmart and other chains. Don’t let the chosen distribution chain for Captain Black fool you. It is just as good, and even better than some specialty tinned pipe tobaccos.

Captain Black comes from Lane Limited, an operating subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc, hence the mass-market distribution. Captain Black has also been around for several decades, so it is certainly well-established. Captain Black is what the pipe-smoking community would refer to as a "Drug Store Tobacco". However, my experience with it was exceptionally pleasant.

I first tried the original version, Captain Black Regular. The pipe smoking community and many online stores refer to it as "Captain Black White" because of the white packaging. However, it is officially "regular" if you read the manufacturer’s website.

If there are any tobacco snobs reading this, and you’re already rolling your eyes, just wait until I tell you what I smoked this in.

I first smoked Captain Black in a $9.98 machine-made Lucienne Walnut Wood Tobacco Pipe!




